vendredi 29 mai 2009

mercredi 20 mai 2009

Garage Collection

CeD'esign made a new concept for your garage.

Do you ever have a dream to have anice garage, now with the "Garage Collection" you have he possibility to have a nice modular case at attractive price!

Themes :(Audi-Britsh racing Green-Scuderia-Gulf)


CeD'esign made some important innovation in the world of cleaning:
-new nanofibre technology cleaning products (smells good, better cleaning, pro approved)
-new cleaning do it all robot
-new technology for cleaning tools with easy rotation(improved cleaning with V-technology)
-New all-roung cleaning tool ( vacuum or manual) with nanofibre

Light is Right

CeD'esign made a concept for ecology:

-In Belgium you must pay for each kilogram in your bin,
with my solution, you can know exactly how much will have to pay.

With this concept, the user will know exactly how much weight is in the bin, how much he will pay and can
change his habits to improve the ecological and econimical status.


CeD'esign made a new concept of packaging.

Sell some freeze-chcolate in normal drink vending machines.
-all over the world you have drink vending machines (not food!)
-easy to open
-it's a box, you can open it, eat some chocolate and close it again.

Ferrari Project F142 redesign

The New Ferrari Project F142 with a possible new design, this illustration of what it could be is designed by CeD'esign.
We reajusted the render from a french magazine to a better design.